...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Snowflake Counting

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Snowflake Counting insert cards!

Snowflake Counting

These are a great way to add some extra math practice to your winter themed activities! You can access the Snowflake Counting cards, along with over 100 other sets of insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site!

Attention Members: These insert cards can be found on the “Counting” page which is found on the “Math” page.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We’ve Hit the 100 Mark!


We have officially hit the 100 mark! By joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site, you will now have access to over 100 sets of insert cards for your Education Cubes…with lots more to come!!! Thank you so much to everyone who has joined thus far!

For those who have yet to join, don’t forget that the special discounted Christmas rate of $8 only lasts through the end of December!

Plus, be on the lookout for our Grand Opening Celebration coming in January!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Nutcracker Number Matching

Airamty from My Little Princess World and her little girl used the Number insert cards along with some nutcracker printables that she saw on The Activity Mom (which came from PreKinders) to practice counting and matching!


{Picture used with permission from Airamty from My Little Princess World.}

Roll the nutcracker cube and count the nutcrackers. Now, find the corresponding number on the other cube. Click on the picture above to see the Nutcracker Number Matching in action!

After seeing Airamty’s post, I was inspired to create Nutcracker Counting insert cards. You can access the insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Nutcracker Counting

Have you blogged about using using your Education Cubes and insert cards? Please let me know! I would love to feature you!

Do you have ideas for insert cards? Please let me know! I would love to hear your ideas!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Play Roll & Color Reindeer w/Education Cubes

Carisa from 1+1+1=1 and her boys used the Number insert cards with their Education Cubes to play Roll and Color Reindeer! Click on the picture to see how Carisa used her cubes to play this fun Christmas themed game!  


{Picture used with permission from Carisa from 1+1+1=1.}

Have you blogged about using your Education Cubes? If so, please let me know! I would love to feature you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

More Word Families…

I have been plugging away at the Education Cubes Word Family insert cards. The most recent additions to the Members Site are:

–ap, –ar, –at, –ate, –aw, –ay

Plus, I added a set of insert cards with all of the Word Families. This set includes all of the 37 most common used word families, plus quite a bit more!

Word Families

These can be used along with the Lower Case Alphabet cards to make words! Insert some word family cards in one cube and some consonants in another cube. Roll both cubes and sound out the word that is formed!

These insert cards can be accessed by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Confessions of a Homeschooler’s LETTER OF THE WEEK Insert Cards

As promised, there are some new Education Cubes insert cards on the Members Only Site that I am SUPER excited to share with you! I have partnered with Erica from Confessions of a Homeschooler to bring to you three awesome sets of insert cards to go along with her Letter of the Week Preschool Curriculum!

COAH Letter of the Week Capital Letters

All images are used with the permission of Erica from Confessions of a Homeschooler.

The three downloads, which can be accessed by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site are:

  • COAH Letter of the Week Capital Letters (shown above)
  • COAH Letter of the Week Lower Case Letters
  • COAH Letter of the Week Pictures (just the pictures…no letters)

Designed to be used as a supplement to the Letter of the Week Preschool Curriculum, there are TONS of possible ways to use these! One idea is to roll the cube and Identify the picture and the letter. For more of a challenge say the sound that the letter makes!

Do you have ideas on how to use the Letter of the Week Education Cubes? Leave a comment with your ideas!!!

(Attention Members: These cards can be found on the second Alphabet page.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Counting Cards

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are lots of Christmas Counting cards including Christmas Trees, Candy Canes, Nativity, Santa, Gingerbread Men, and Gingerbread Houses!

Christmas Tree Counting

These Christmas themed insert cards are a fun way to practice counting! Or, they could be used as dice for Christmas themed games!!!

These cards can be accessed by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

(Attention Members: The Christmas Counting cards can be found in the “Other” category on the Members Only Site.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Nativity Pictures

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only site are the Nativity Pictures.

Nativity Pictures

Insert six of the Nativity cards into your Education Cube. Roll and identify the Nativity character. Discuss their role in the Nativity! Do you have more ideas on how to use the Nativity Pictures? Please share by leaving a comment!

A big thank you to Keri at The Home Teacher for this wonderful idea! Be on the lookout! Keri has lots of other great ideas for insert cards that I look forward to adding to the Members Only site!

The Nativity insert cards can be accessed by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Special $8 Membership Fee Extended!!!!

In the Christmas spirit of giving, I have decided to extend the introductory membership fee of ONLY $8!!! This special, limited time offer will last through the end of December 2010! Click here for more information on joining!

EC button long abcd

FYI, I have lots of great new insert cards to add! Want a sneak peek? I’ll give you a hint…Confessions of a Homeschooler!  ;-) Stay tuned!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

More Word Families {am, ame, ank}

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are more Word Family insert cards. In addition to the word family cards already on the site, –am, –ame, and –ank have been added!

Word Family (ank)

Practice word families, by rolling a word and saying it. Then, use it in a sentence!

You can access the –am, –ame, and -ank insert cards as well as many others by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Seasons insert cards. In addition to the cards shown below, there is another graphic seasons set as well as a set with just the names of the seasons in black and white.

Seasons 2

For a fun game, insert the seasons cards into the cube and gather lots of seasonal clothing. Roll the cube and select an item of clothing that would be appropriate for that season and put it on! Continue rolling the cube and adding the appropriate seasonal clothing items until you can’t put on anymore!

You can access this set of insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

United States Flags

The newest additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the US State Flags. There are also insert cards with the state flowers!

State Flags

For some hands-on practice matching the states to their respective flags, Insert the State Flag cards into the cubes and grab a map. Roll the cube and match the flag with the corresponding state on the map!

You can access this set of insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Find That State!!!

Use Education Cubes to practice locating the states using the United States of America insert cards.


Add the state cards into the cubes. Roll a cube and locate the state on a map!

You can access the state insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only site.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Spanish Color Words

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Spanish Colors cards. Plus, there is also a black & white set of Spanish color cards.

Spanish Color Words color

For a fun activity insert the Spanish color cards into the cubes and grab some colorful blocks. Create a block tower by adding blocks based on each color rolled on the cube. Continue rolling the cube and adding more blocks to the tower until it topples over…then begin again!

You can access this set of insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Searching for Colors!

Use your Education Cubes to guide you on a color search by using the Color Names insert cards!

Education Cubes

Add six color name cards into one cube. Roll the cube and hunt for items that are the same color as the color word on the cube!

You can access the color insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Practice Math Facts

Practice math facts with your Education Cubes by using the Numbers and the Mathematical Operations insert cards!


Choose the numbers and the operations that you want to work on. Insert the numbers cards into two cubes and insert the operation cards into one cube. Roll the cubes and write out the math problem along with the answer!

You can access the insert cards used for practicing math facts by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Welcome to the Education Cubes Blog! I am glad you are here!!! Please feel free to browse around! If you have any questions, please, feel free to email me or leave your question in a comment!  :-)
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