...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

ABCD Education Cubes Numbers9 Education Cubes Blue Education Cube California Education Cube Number Education Cubes Winter Education Cube bed Education Cubes

My name is Jennifer {aka Mama Jenn} and I am the homeschooling mother of five little blessings ranging in age from 3 to 7. I am always on the lookout for new, innovative hands-on learning tools. For awhile I was very intrigued with how other mom bloggers were re-purposing all kinds of blocks to use for various educational activities. I came across lots of neat ideas, but I never got around to making any of them.

However, when my daughter needed a pair of dice with the numbers 5-10 on them for one of her math assignments, my mind started reeling. That was in March of 2010 and I have been plugging away with the idea of Education Cubes ever since. Needless to say, I am very excited to be able to show you all what I have been up to!

Education Cubes are photo blocks with educational insert cards (rather than photos) that you can use to enhance your child's learning by providing fun, hands-on educational experiences.  

Essentially, Education Cubes are
large customizable dice! 

They are soft, which means no clanging dice on the table or floor. They are large (approx 4" x 4" x 4"), which makes them easy to see and easy for little hands to handle. The best part is that they are completely customizable! By joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site, you will have access to over 200 sets of insert cards for your Education Cubes, which means that the learning possibilities are endless! Plus, you will not have to continue re-purposing dice or other blocks to meet your academic needs, which means less work for you!

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