...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Creative Writing Prompts

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Writing Prompt insert cards. This is the first of more sets designed to provide ideas for creative writing. This particular set comes from a list of ideas created by Keri from The Home Teacher. (You can see her complete list of journal writing prompts over on her journal wiki page.) Thanks for sharing your ideas with us Keri!

Writing Prompts 1

Roll the cube to select a writing prompt and then let the creative writing begin! This provide a fun, active way of selecting a writing topic!

You can access these insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Attn Members: You can find these within the “Language Arts” category.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Word Matching

E from Adventures with a Chinese Noodle used the Blank insert cards to create her own list of words for her daughter to do a bit of word matching! Click on the pictures below for more information on how E used her Education Cubes to help her daughter practice her word list.!


{Pictures have been used with permission from E @ Adventures with a Chinese Noddle.}

Have you blogged about using using your Education Cubes and insert cards? Please let me know! I would love to feature you and showcase your ideas!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fraction Action

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are some basic Fraction insert cards. Included are both a set of reduced fractions (shown below) and a set where the fractions have not been reduced.

Fractions (Reduced)

These insert cards can be used to put a little more “action” in learning fractions. For example, use them along with the Guidecraft Fraction Board or Fraction Cups. Roll the cube (with the Fraction insert cards) and then show the fraction using the board or cups!

Do you have more ideas on how to use the Fraction insert cards with your Education Cubes? Please leave a comment and share your ideas!

FYI: I have some more visual fraction insert cards in the works. Stay tuned…

You can access these insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spaceship Colors

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Spaceship Color insert cards. There are two sets of cards, one with the color names and one without. (The set without the color names is shown below.)

Spaceship Colors

These insert cards would make a fun addition to a space unit. Or, you could use them along with the Astronauts to Earth game board!

You can access these insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Attn Members: You can find these on the “Colors” page under the “Early Concepts” category.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Body Parts

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Body Parts insert cards. Shown below are the insert cards with both the body parts and the label. However, I have also included downloads with just the pictures and just the labels.


Use these to help your little one identify body their body parts! Match the body part with the name! There are TONS of possibilities!

A big thank you to Ali and Megan T for suggesting these insert cards!

Attn members: You can find these insert cards on the “Science” page under the “Human Body” category.

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