...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Show & Tell {6.24.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb13Welcome to the very first Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fraction Pies

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only site are the Fraction Pies. The set of insert cards include fraction pies from wholes to sixths.

Fraction Pies

These insert cards can be used to help teach/reinforce fractions. Roll the cube and call out the fraction. We also like to use these to use the Fraction Pie inserts along with our Fraction Cups. We roll the cube and then duplicate the fraction with the fraction cups.

You can access the Fraction Pie insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Do you have more ideas for Fraction Pie insert cards? Please leave a comment and share your ideas!

Members: You can find these insert cards under the “Mathematics” category, under “Fractions.”

Friday, June 17, 2011

Show & Tell {6.17.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb1Welcome to the very first Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bear Hug Counting

I posted on Totally Tots about a fun little game that I played with my boys to go along with the book Golden Bear by Ruth Young. We used a bunch of teddy bears and the Teddy Bear Counting insert cards to work on counting and one-to-one correspondence. Click on the photo below to head over to Totally Tots for more details on how to play this super cute, super fun game!


Have you blogged about using using your Education Cubes and the insert cards? Be sure to link up to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I would love to showcase your ideas!

Monday, June 13, 2011

“I” Word Families

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the “i” word families:

–ice, –ick, –ide, –ife, –ight, –ile, –ill, –in, –ine, –ing, –ink, –ip, and –it

Word Family (ill)

Practice reading word families by rolling a word on the cube and saying it! Then use it in a sentence. For more of a challenge, roll two words and make a rhyming sentence!

FYI: The remaining “o” and “u” word families are coming soon!

You can access the word family insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

View a complete list of all the insert cards currently found on the Members Only Site.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Thank you so much to everyone who entered to win the daily Education Cubes Membership giveaways! I am excited to announce the four winners!




Congratulations Ladies!

Ladies, if you have not received an email from me, please contact me [MamaJenn {at} EducationCubes {dot} com] so that I can get you all set up with your membership OR issue you a refund if you have already purchased a membership!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Show & Tell {6.10.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumbWelcome to the very first Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Daily Membership Giveaway {6.10.11}

Today is the last day of our mini celebration in honor of us reaching the 200 mark, which means this is our daily Education Cubes Membership giveaway!  


Giveaway Info:

The winner will receive a complimentary Education Cubes Membership.{Cubes must be purchased separately.} Today there is one simple way to enter to win:

  • Leave a comment simply letting me know that you would like to win! Yes, that’s all!!!  Winking smile

The giveaway is open to anyone with an email address. Even if you have already purchased a membership, you can STILL enter to win. I will refund the cost of your membership! The giveaway ends tonight (6.10.11) at midnight. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in case you win! I will randomly select a winner using Random.org. All daily winners from the week will be announced on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

***All entries/comments dated after June 10th will be deleted and will not be eligible for the giveaway.***

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Membership Giveaway {6.9.11}

As part of the mini celebration in honor of us reaching the 200 mark, I am hosting a daily Education Cubes Membership giveaway!  Today is the 3rd day of giveaways and they will continue through Friday. Be sure to check back each day for a chance to win…even if you are already a member


Giveaway Info:

The winner will receive a complimentary Education Cubes Membership.{Cubes must be purchased separately.} Today there is one simple way to enter to win (each day will be something different):

The giveaway is open to anyone with an email address. Even if you have already purchased a membership, you can STILL enter to win. I will refund the cost of your membership! The giveaway ends tonight (6.9.11) at midnight. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in case you win! I will randomly select a winner using Random.org. All daily winners from the week will be announced on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

***All entries/comments dated after June 9th will be deleted and will not be eligible for the giveaway.***

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Daily Membership Giveaway {6.8.11}

As part of the mini celebration in honor of us reaching the 200 mark, I will host a daily Education Cubes Membership giveaway (in addition to the special $8 discounted membership rate, which ends TODAY, June 8th)!  Be sure to check back each day for a chance to win…even if you already are a member! The giveaways will be daily and will continue through Friday!


Giveaway Info:

The winner will receive a complimentary Education Cubes Membership.{Cubes must be purchased separately.} Today there is one simple way to enter to win (each day will be something different):

Don’t forget about the $8 membership special, which ends TODAY, June 8th at 8pm EST!

The giveaway is open to anyone with an email address. Even if you have already purchased a membership, you can STILL enter to win. I will refund the cost of your membership! The giveaway ends tonight (6.8.11) at midnight. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in case you win! I will randomly select a winner using Random.org. All daily winners from the week will be announced on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

***All entries/comments dated after June 8th will be deleted and will not be eligible for the giveaway.***

Education Cubes SHOW & TELL Weekly Link-up

EC ShowTell buttonIf you already a member, then you already know that the hands-on learning possibilities are virtually endless with Education Cubes! With so many great ideas of how to use the insert cards with the cubes, I decided to start a weekly blog link-up for YOU to share how you are implementing the cubes and insert cards! Each week you can blog about how you are using your Education Cubes and then link up to the Show & Tell and share how you are using the cubes and insert cards for hands-on learning fun!

Show & Tell Guidelines:

1) Add the button to your post. You can grab the code below. 

Education Cubes Show & Tell

OR, if you don’t want to use the button, you can just add the following sentence to your post:

Visit the Show & Tell to get and share Education Cube ideas!

Be sure to link the sentence to the Show & Tell (here on Education Cubes) and add it to the bottom of your post.

2) Link up and share how you are using the Education Cubes insert cards with your cubes. You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use…not inserts that you created yourself…unless you created them using the Blank Education Cube insert card provided on the Member’s Site.

3) Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may also use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence above.

4) When adding your post to the Linky Tool, be sure to choose a thumbnail photo that best shows your Education Cube idea and give it a simple name that describes how you used the Education Cubes in your post. Also, be sure to add the permalink as your specific blog post URL and NOT the main page of your blog.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the above guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now that we have got the guidelines out of the way, I can’t wait to see your ideas! I will post the weekly Show & Tell link-up on Friday mornings and you can link up from then until the following Thursday.

The very first Show & Tell will be this Friday!

In addition to the weekly Show & Tell, I will continue to feature bloggers and their creative Education Cube ideas. This will be a complete post that I will compile based solely on your idea with both a photo and a link back to your site. I will use the Show & Tell link-ups as my primary source of finding bloggers to feature! {FYI, if you link up, I will contact you to ask permission prior to featuring you and your ideas!}

NEW GUIDELINES (updated 1/20/12): By linking up to the Show & Tell, you are giving me permission to feature your idea as a blog post here on the Education Cubes site as stated above. 

Please note: The new guidelines do not apply to posts linked up prior to the new guidelines (i.e. if you linked up before 1/20/12, I will still contact you to ask permission to feature your idea.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daily Membership Giveaway {6.7.11}

As part of the mini celebration in honor of us reaching the 200 mark, I will host a daily Education Cubes Membership giveaway (in addition to the special $8 discounted membership rate, which ends on Wednesday)!  Be sure to check back each day for a chance to win…even if you already are a member! The giveaways will begin TODAY and will continue through Friday!

EC Giveaway banner

Giveaway Info:

The winner will receive a complimentary Education Cubes Membership.{Cubes must be purchased separately.} Today there is one simple way to enter to win (each day will be something different):

  • Tell someone (up to five people) about www.EducationCubes.com TODAY and leave a comment on this blog post letting me know who you told (friend, family member, homeschool group, teacher, etc.) and how you told them (email, face to face, phone, Twitter, Facebook, blog post, etc.). Add an additional entry for each time you tell someone different.   The maximum number of entries is five. Be sure to leave a separate comment for each entry!

Don’t forget about the $8 membership special, which ends at 8pm EST on Wednesday, June 8th!

The giveaway is open to anyone with an email address. Even if you have already purchased a membership, you can STILL enter to win. I will refund the cost of your membership! The giveaway ends tonight (6.7.11) at midnight. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in case you win! I will randomly select a winner using Random.org. All daily winners from the week will be announced on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

***All entries/comments dated after June 7th will be deleted and will not be eligible for the giveaway.***

~Giveaway is CLOSED~

~Winner will be announced on June 11th~

Monday, June 6, 2011

We’ve Hit the 200 Mark!


We have officially hit the 200 mark and I think that calls for a mini celebration! By joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site, you will now have access to over 200 sets of insert cards for your Education Cubes…with lots more to come!!! Thank you so much to everyone who has joined thus far!

In honor of us reaching the 200 mark, I have a few fun things planned for the week! So be sure to subscribe or follow via Facebook or Twitter for updates!

For those who have yet to join the Members Only Site, let’s kick off the mini celebration with a discounted membership rate of ONLY $8! This special rate will ONLY last until 8pm EST on Wednesday, June 8, 2011. I expect that this will be your last opportunity to join at this low rate! As more insert cards are added, the membership cost (which is currently $12) WILL increase! So, if you haven’t joined, now is the time to do it! Discount is for new members only. No refunds will be provided for memberships previously purchased.

Remember, the membership cost is a one-time fee! NO RECURRING FEES!!! Once you join, you are in and will have access to all of the insert cards currently on the site PLUS all of the cards added in the future! 

So, how is that for kicking off the mini celebration? Be on the lookout for more fun throughout the week!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Water Painting Words

Carisa from 1+1+1=1 used the You Can Read insert cards (created to go along with her You Can Read! Sight Word Program) to reinforce words in a fun, creative way…water painting. Click on the picture below to head over to Carisa’s blog for more details!


{Pictures used with permission from Carisa @ 1+1+1=1}

Have you blogged about using using your Education Cubes and insert cards? Please let me know! I would love to feature you and showcase your ideas!

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