...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Apples, Apples, Apples

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Apple insert cards!

Red Apple CountingApples

I created these to go along with some Apple Grid Games that I made. For more information on how to play (and to download the games for free) visit my Apple Grid Games post.


The apple insert cards could also be used for a number of different, fun, apple activities. For example, using the multi-colored apple insert cards, you could graph the number of different colored apples rolled.

You can access the word family insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

View a complete list of all the insert cards currently found on the Members Only Site.

{Attention Members: You can find these insert cards on the “Made for Grid Games” link found on the “Other” page.}

Sunday, August 28, 2011

High-flying Alphabet Fun

Check out the high-flying fun over on Room 4 at Least 1 More! They used the Uppercase/Lowercase Alphabet insert cards along with a large foam alphabet mat and came up with a fun active game to practice letter sounds! Click on the picture below for more about this fun little twist to reviewing letter sounds!


{Picture is used with permission from Room 4 at Least 1 More.}

Have you blogged about how you are using the different insert cards with your Education Cubes? If so, be sure to link up at the Show & Tell! I would love to feature your idea!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Show & Tell {8.26.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb13633333333Welcome to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

“O” Word Families (Part 1)

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the “o” word families:

–oat, –ock, –og, –oil, –oke, –oo, –ood, –oof, –ook, –ool, and –oom

Word Family (oo)

Practice reading word families by rolling a word on the cube and saying it! Then use it in a sentence. For more of a challenge, roll two words and make a rhyming sentence!

FYI: The remaining “o” and “u” word families are coming soon!

You can access the word family insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

View a complete list of all the insert cards currently found on the Members Only Site.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Spanish Shapes

Thanks to a member suggestion, the most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Spanish Shape insert cards. In addition to the insert cards shown below, I have also included cards with red, blue, and yellow shapes.  

Basic Spanish ShapesBasic Spanish Shapes WhiteBasic Spanish Shape NamesBasic Spanish Shapes Black

These can be used as a fun way to work on Spanish vocabulary! Roll the cube and find an everyday object that is the same shape as on the insert card! Or, you could use the plain shape insert cards, roll the cube, and say the shape name in Spanish!

You can access the Spanish Shape insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Do YOU have insert card ideas that you would like to suggest? Or, do you have ideas of how to use the Spanish Shape cards? Please leave a comment and share your ideas/suggestions!

Members: You can find these insert cards in the “Spanish” category found under “Electives.”

Friday, August 19, 2011

Show & Tell {8.19.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb1363333333Welcome to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Purchase Blocks for 20% OFF {exp 8.15.11}

imageIf you have been planning on purchasing the photo blocks used with the Education Cubes insert cards, now is a great time!

For a limited time you can use the coupon code 12057 to get 20% off one item from CP Toys! Coupon code expires 8.15.11. You can purchase the blocks here. Be sure to enter the coupon code for your discount to apply! (FYI: I do not sell the photo blocks. They are sold by a third party company, CP Toys. Blocks are purchased separately from the Education Cubes Membership.)

Show & Tell {8.12.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb136333333Welcome to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spanish Greetings

Thanks to a member suggestion, the most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Spanish Greeting insert cards.

Spanish Greetings

These can be used as a fun way to work on Spanish vocabulary! Roll the cube and use the Spanish greeting as a conversation starter!

You can access the Spanish Greeting insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Do YOU have insert card ideas that you would like to suggest? Or, do you have ideas of how to use the Spanish Greeting cards? Please leave a comment and share your ideas/suggestions!

Members: You can find these insert cards in the “Spanish” category found under “Electives.”

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Two Giveaways!!

There are currently TWO Education Cube giveaways going on right now and I wanted to be sure to let you know about them!


AND…both giveaways include include BOTH the cubes and the Membership! How cool is that?!?!

The first giveaway is hosted by Tamara at All of a Kind Family and ends on August 10th at 7pm (EST). I recently featured her super cute Dress a Weather Bear Education Cubes idea here on the blog!

The second giveaway is hosted at Called You By Name. By entering this giveaway, you can help Jonana and her family adopt Albina, a special needs child from Eastern Europe. There are also lots of other great prizes up for grabs, including an Apple iPad2 and a Kindle 3G.

So, be sure to head over and enter to win!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Show & Tell {8.5.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb13633333Welcome to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taking Requests…

imageI am in the process of creating a master list for all of the Education Cube insert card ideas. If you would like to make a suggestion, please leave your idea in a comment on this blog post. I will take the ideas posted here and add them to my master list, which will be my “go-to” for creating new insert cards! Thank you in advance for your suggestions! (Please note that making a suggestion does NOT mean that I will “for sure” be able to create the insert cards requested. The insert card idea(s) will be added to the list, but I cannot guarantee if and when the cards will be made.)

FYI: You can also view a complete list of all the insert cards currently found on the Members Only Site.

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