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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fun With Money!

Tiffany from Only By God’s Grace had a great idea of how to use the Money insert cards in her Education Cubes! I’ll give you a hint. It involves making some pretend purchases and calculating the change! Click on the picture below for more details on this awesome way to practice counting money!


{Picture used with permission from Tiffany at Only By God’s Grace.}

Have you blogged about how you are using the different insert cards with your Education Cubes? If so, please let me know. I would love to feature you!


  1. Hi!
    Amazon.com will not ship to Canada. Are you aware of any suppliers that will sell to Canadians. My son and I play dice games all the time with these plain baby dice, so I know he would LOVE this.
    Thanks so much!

  2. One Step Ahead will ship outside of the US. However, they would probably have to provide a shipping quote for you. Their customer service # is 1-800-950-5120. Here is the link to the product on their site: http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=535351

    Hope that helps!


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