...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Daily Membership Giveaway {6.9.11}

As part of the mini celebration in honor of us reaching the 200 mark, I am hosting a daily Education Cubes Membership giveaway!  Today is the 3rd day of giveaways and they will continue through Friday. Be sure to check back each day for a chance to win…even if you are already a member


Giveaway Info:

The winner will receive a complimentary Education Cubes Membership.{Cubes must be purchased separately.} Today there is one simple way to enter to win (each day will be something different):

The giveaway is open to anyone with an email address. Even if you have already purchased a membership, you can STILL enter to win. I will refund the cost of your membership! The giveaway ends tonight (6.9.11) at midnight. Please be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in case you win! I will randomly select a winner using Random.org. All daily winners from the week will be announced on Saturday, June 11, 2011.

***All entries/comments dated after June 9th will be deleted and will not be eligible for the giveaway.***


  1. It's a little hard to think of a new ones to see, you have so many wonderful ones already. I think maybe a Latin set or farm animals would be neat.

  2. There are already so many great sets!! One thought I had was a set of sequencing cards for early learners. (4 related pictures that they would put in order)

    Sue H.

  3. We're going to be teaching French to our girls, so I'd love to see a set in French, and maybe a few other languages. You have a fantastic selection!

    mcburgess (at) hotmail.com

  4. What about Presidents? My son loved learning about some of the important presidents this past year. heyjade[at]gmail

  5. Wow, there are so many great ones! We will be using MFW next year, while studying Geography and habitats, so I would like to see or maybe even create some inserts that would go along with those lessons. Such as the animal to the habitat/continent or vocab. words to the image. This has really got me thinking! Our cubes are on there way can't wait for the fun!

  6. You have so many great sets already...Maybe some nature sets. Like animals, birds, plants found in different geographic regions.

    a_heart4home at yahoo

  7. How about some music-related sets? Note values, time signatures, etc. could be fun for those learning to read music.

    goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com

  8. Seems simple - but how about standard dice, in the usual format? You have the cards with dots on them - but the 2 and 3 aren't laid out in the same way that they are on most dice. It's a little confusing for my son switching between a regular die and the Education Cubes die, because the 2 and 3 don't look the same.

    I'm also in favour of Canadian cards - currency, prime ministers, provinces, capitals - but I'm not sure how much of a market you have for those, I might just have to make my own!

  9. classroom pictures - desk, table, pecil, crayon etc


  10. I would like to see a set or two on life cycles. Such as the life cycle of frogs or butterflies. Or different types of birds.


  11. We are doing Expedition Earth next year so I would love to see Country and/or Flag cards for review.



Thank you for visiting the Education Cubes blog. I appreciate all of your comments. If you have a question, please make sure there is a way for me to contact you. Otherwise I will answer your question here in a comment. Thanks!!!

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