...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dress a Weather Bear

Tamara from All of a Kind Family linked up this super cute activity on our weekly Show & Tell. It was so cute, I just had to share!

She used the Seasons insert cards along with the book Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? to play a fun game dressing up a paper bear based on the seasons rolled! Click on the picture below to head over to All of a Kind Family for more details on this super fun activity!


{Picture used with permission from Tamara @ All of a Kind Family.}

Tamara is also hosting a giveaway for BOTH a set of cubes AND an Education Cubes Membership! Be sure to head over and enter to win! The giveaway closes at 7pm (EST) on August 10th.

Have you blogged about using your Education Cubes and insert cards? Please share your ideas on the weekly Show & Tell linky! You never know, your idea may be featured here on the blog (with your permission of course)! 


  1. Always love seeing new ideas for using our cubes. We are currently doing a study of Alaska and the many things there...glaciers, bears (grizzly, black, polar), totems, rainforest (temperate)..we would love graphic things for any of these wonderful things.

  2. I love seeing what others are doing with the cubes, such great ideas and so inspiring. I hope to be back soon with some more show and tell posts...I'm still brain storming some ideas ;)

  3. @Mary...I just did a animal habitat unit and have some ideas at my blog, if you want to check it out, just search education cubes...or check out a few of the last show and tells. There was a rainforest graph that I did, if you go to that site, they also had some arctic ones, I used them with the blank templates :D Good luck and have fun!

  4. hi! I have heard amazing things and can't wait to start working on my sets of ed cubes!! BUT, i can't seem to log in???? i did pay, and register just minutes ago, but how do i log in????? thanks

  5. Jamie, you should have received a separate email from me containing your login information. Please let me know if you did not receive it. Thanks for joining!

  6. I wanted to find printables for this Jesse Bear & clothes. Tamara's blog seems to be private....anyone know how to get the bear templates?

    1. Hi Anna! Yes, it appears that Tamara's blog is now private. I have searched online and I can't seem to find the exact same Jesse Bear printables that she used. However, I was able to find a similar printable at Danielle's Place: http://www.daniellesplace.com/html/paper_dolls.html Scroll down on the page to see the Weather Bear Paper Dolls. Hope that helps!


Thank you for visiting the Education Cubes blog. I appreciate all of your comments. If you have a question, please make sure there is a way for me to contact you. Otherwise I will answer your question here in a comment. Thanks!!!

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