...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Show & Tell {9.2.11}

EC-ShowTell-button_thumb136333333333Welcome to the Education Cubes Show & Tell! I am very excited to see how YOU are implementing the cubes and insert cards for some fun, hands-on learning fun! Be sure to check out the Show & Tell Guidelines before linking up your post.

Remember:  You MUST be an Education Cubes Member AND your post MUST show the Education Cube insert cards in use. Your post does not have to solely be about Education Cubes. You may use old posts or posts for other blog carnivals as long as you go in and add either the button or the sentence linked to here. You can grab the button & see the sentence on the Show & Tell Guidelines post.

Please Note ~ Links that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed in order to help others searching specifically for Education Cube ideas!

Now, onto the showing and telling! I can’t wait to see your ideas!!


  1. Any plans to make ones with books of the bible, or days of creation? Maybe scripture on one set and the book and chapter on another to go with My ABC bible verses book. Different Acts of Kindness maybe? I just recently got my cubes and am all excited to use them with more of my lessons. These are so great, I look forward to using them for years to come :-)

  2. Hi Lori! The books of the Bible are already there. They are listed under the "Electives" category. I love the idea of the days of creation and the ABC Bible verse books (just need to see which verses are included)! ;-) I also have Godly Character Traits!, which may interest you! :-)


Thank you for visiting the Education Cubes blog. I appreciate all of your comments. If you have a question, please make sure there is a way for me to contact you. Otherwise I will answer your question here in a comment. Thanks!!!

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