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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Spanish Days of the Week

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only site are the Spanish Days of the Week insert cards! Included are two versions; one with and one without the definite articles.

Education Cubes: Spanish Days of the Week

Use these insert cards as a fun way to practice Spanish vocabulary for the days of the week!

Do you have an idea of how to use the Spanish Days of the Week insert cards?

You can access these insert cards as well as many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

View a complete list of all the insert cards currently found on the Members Only Site.

{Attention Members: You can find these insert cards on the “Spanish” link found on the “Electives” page.}


  1. Hello there!! I had purchased a membership here many years ago and have not used it in many years.I don't remember my username and password, is there anyway you have a list of people who have joined or something? I totally understand if you don't I will just pay the $12 again! Thanks so much. Dawn Bliss email blissters@juno.com

    1. Hi Dawn! No problem! I checked my records and confirmed your payment. I resent the login info to your email address.

  2. I have the same issue as listed above. I had a subscription years ago under a previous e mail address prior to moving to a new state and gaining a new address. We have now joined Classical Conversations and this would be a wonderful addition to memory work!

    My old e mail was cjosey@sssnet.com
    New email is csjosey@gmail.com

    Thank you for any assistance you can provide

    1. Hi Julie! I confirmed your payment and resent the login info to your new email address. Please let me know if you do not receive it. Thanks!


Thank you for visiting the Education Cubes blog. I appreciate all of your comments. If you have a question, please make sure there is a way for me to contact you. Otherwise I will answer your question here in a comment. Thanks!!!

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