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Monday, November 15, 2010

Practice Math Facts

Practice math facts with your Education Cubes by using the Numbers and the Mathematical Operations insert cards!


Choose the numbers and the operations that you want to work on. Insert the numbers cards into two cubes and insert the operation cards into one cube. Roll the cubes and write out the math problem along with the answer!

You can access the insert cards used for practicing math facts by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.


  1. Hi, just checking in to see if the Mathematical Operations inserts are posted. I couldn't find them, and I don't know if I'm not looking in the right place or if they are not up yet. I'm excited to try this out. Thanks.

  2. Well, I thought I had already added it, but I guess I had not! However, I just uploaded it and you can view it from the Addition or Subtraction page. Be sure to refresh the page!


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