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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Resurrection Pictures

The most recent addition to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Resurrection Pictures insert cards.

Resurrection Pictures

imageI created these to go along with Resurrection Eggs. Using the Resurrection Picture cards in your cubes is a fun way to review/reinforce what is taught using the Resurrection Eggs. Roll the cube and explain the meaning of the Resurrection picture shown!

Do you have other ideas for using the Resurrection insert cards? Please share your ideas by leaving a comment!

You can access these insert cards and many, many more by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

Attn Members: You can find these insert cards on the “Easter” page under the “Other” category.


  1. I think just taking the cards and putting them in order would be cool.

  2. This is wonderful way to review the events of Easter!


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