...customizable learning blocks for all your educational needs

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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Two Giveaways!!

There are currently TWO Education Cube giveaways going on right now and I wanted to be sure to let you know about them!


AND…both giveaways include include BOTH the cubes and the Membership! How cool is that?!?!

The first giveaway is hosted by Tamara at All of a Kind Family and ends on August 10th at 7pm (EST). I recently featured her super cute Dress a Weather Bear Education Cubes idea here on the blog!

The second giveaway is hosted at Called You By Name. By entering this giveaway, you can help Jonana and her family adopt Albina, a special needs child from Eastern Europe. There are also lots of other great prizes up for grabs, including an Apple iPad2 and a Kindle 3G.

So, be sure to head over and enter to win!


  1. I am so excited, I won the giveaway hosted by Tamara. Can't wait to get started with these! Thanks so much!

  2. Congrats Julie! I hope you enjoy your Education Cubes! I have sent you the login information. Please let me know if you have not received it! :-)


Thank you for visiting the Education Cubes blog. I appreciate all of your comments. If you have a question, please make sure there is a way for me to contact you. Otherwise I will answer your question here in a comment. Thanks!!!

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