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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Multiplication Facts

The most recent additions to the Education Cubes Members Only Site are the Multiplication insert cards! Use these to make practicing multiplication facts a little more fun!

Multiplication (x3)

Included in the recently added set of insert cards are:

Mathematical Operations 
Multiply by… (x0, x1, x3...)
Multiplication Facts (x0)
Multiplication Facts (x1)
Multiplication Facts (x2)
Multiplication Facts (x3)
Multiplication Facts (x4)
Multiplication Facts (x5)

You can access the Multiplication insert cards by joining the Education Cubes Members Only Site.

View a complete list of all the insert cards found on the Members Site!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing all of your creations all over the interwebs. :) I awarded you a Versatile Blog award on my blog. I imagine you are too busy for that sort of thing, but I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your blogs!



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