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Monday, January 24, 2011

Storage Idea: CD Case

A number of people have asked for suggestions on how to store the insert cards for their Education Cubes. Maureen from Spell Outloud had the terrific idea of using a CD case!


Photo used with permission from Maureen at Spell Outloud.

Click on the photo above to head over and see how this awesome storage idea is working for Maureen!


  1. thank you Jen! I was getting worried about what I was going to do with my printed cubes :) very simple and easy!

  2. That's awesome! I will have to check her blog out ... although it does sound familiar to me so I have probably visited at some point. I didn't have an empty CD case so I used a 3X5 baby photo album. I was worried about how I was going to store all these wonderful inserts. I saw this before searching my house only to find the album. LOL! Any plans for new Spanish inserts?


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